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New Forms acknowledges that its events and activities take place on unceded ancestral land of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
2023 | New Forms Media Society



New Forms strives to create safe spaces for experience and engagement in a way that is accessible and inclusive to everyone. This Code of Conduct is one tool1 to help us achieve this goal.

This Code of Conduct applies to everyone in the New Forms Community when attending events or participating in the spaces.

Everyone in the New Forms Community is expected to have reviewed this Code of Conduct and must comply with it when at New Forms Events or in New Forms Spaces.

︎Do you have an incident to report? 

If you would like to file an online report on any unwanted sexualized behaviour at a New Forms event, you may do so through REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors), a trauma-informed online reporting tool that is survivor-centered and confidential. Access REES here.

You will be prompted to set up an anonymous account, and receive step by step instructions to report the incident. If you would also like to report the incident to organizers, an anonymous report will be generated and sent to the executive director of New Forms, who will personally contact you to discuss next steps.

1Some of our other tools include our power-based misconduct policy, reporting tool, artist screening policy, accessibility policy, at-event safety and harm reduction work.

Code of Conduct

New Forms works and holds events on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful for their stewardship of this unceded land since time immemorial.

This Code of Conduct is rooted in acknowledgement of the following:

  • We strive to create spaces for experiencing and celebrating diverse expressions of art and music in which respect, equity, and care are valued and upheld.
  • We recognize the specific experiences of marginalised communities including BIPOC, Indigenous and LGBTQIA+, and Black and Indigenous people and the importance of considering these specific experiences in ongoing anti-racism measures.
  • We recognize that colonial and other forms of systemic oppression exist throughout Canadian society, and as such are present in New Forms.
  • We recognize that we are responsible for combating racism and oppression at our events and the physical and online spaces that we host, and building new ways forward.

  • We recognize that essential elements of the cultures, genres, and styles showcased by New Forms come from the intersectional experiences of people and communities who face racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bias and oppression.
  • We strive for equity and inclusivity when creating work opportunities, and actively encourage participation by people who come from backgrounds that are underrepresented.


Treat everyone with dignity and respect.

This means you will, among other things:
  • Refrain from committing any Acts of Oppression or Violence.
  • Ask for and receive consent before touching others, and respect boundaries that are set.
  • Refer to other members of the New Forms Community by their chosen names and pronouns.
  • Respect the personal property of others.

Treat New Forms Spaces with respect.

This means you will, among other things:
  • Refrain from vandalizing or damaging venues.
  • Treat venue staff politely and in accordance with this Code of Conduct.
  • Leave venues quietly to respect their neighbours.

Uphold the Principles set out in this Code of Conduct.

This means you will, among other things:
  • Be mindful of how your language and actions could affect the safety and accessibility of others sharing a space.
  • Hold an awareness of how power dynamics may be at play in all of your interactions.
  • Be mindful of how much space you are taking up in your interactions with others.
  • Hold each other accountable for language and actions.
  • Be open to receiving feedback about your language and actions.
  • Seek help and support when needed.

What happens when there is a violation in conduct?

New Forms will acknowledge and address all reported violations of this Code of Conduct, whether those acts are verbal, physical, or another form.

︎ If you have any concerns about behavior that may violate this Code of Conduct you can let us know:

At a New Forms Event:
If you are at risk of immediate harm or need urgent support at a New Forms Event, find a member of the New Forms Team and let them know. We are there to help.

You can report concerns at New Forms Events to members of the New Forms Team. You can also notify venue staff, who will help you to identify a New Forms Team member.

For urgent reports during a New Forms Event, we will propose a plan to keep you safe, and if you agree, we will put the plan in action.

For both urgent and non-urgent reports, we will:

  • Listen to your report and ask you how you want us to address it
  • Take any immediate steps necessary to make sure you are safe
  • Talk to the person you are reporting to either remind them of this Code of Conduct or, if necessary to keep everyone safe, ask them to leave
  • Check in with you again to make sure you are safe and to let you know how the report was handled
  • Document the report so we have a record of what happened and how we dealt with it. The report can be kept anonymous or can have your name attached to it so we can follow up with you

After a New Forms Event or in a New Forms Space:

General reports: If you want to report a violation of our Code of Conduct or other misconduct, you can contact us directly here, or by emailing a member of the New Forms Team you trust.

Unwanted sexualized behaviour: If you would like to file an online report on any unwanted sexualized behaviour at a New Forms event, you may do so through our secure reporting tool, REES which you can access here. You will be asked to set up an account and will be taken step-by-step through the reporting process. After you record the incident, you will be given the opportunity to share the report with New Forms.

REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) is a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, secure online reporting tool. New Forms has been working with REES since 2022.

Access REES here. You will be prompted to set up an anonymous account, and receive step by step instructions to report the incident. If you would also like to report the incident to organizers, an anonymous report will be generated and sent to the executive director of New Forms, who will personally contact you to discuss next steps.

All reports of violations of this Code of Conduct will be navigated using our Power-Based Misconduct Policy.


The New Forms Code of Conduct uses the following terms:

  • Act of Oppression or Violence means physical, verbal, or other acts based in systems of oppression, including, but not limited to, racism, transphobia, misgendering, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, body shaming, fatphobia, slut-shaming, catcalling, stalking, unwanted comments on others’ consensual sexual expression, unwanted or non-consensual touching, sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault.

  • Board means the board of directors of New Forms.

  • Code of Conduct means this document, which applies to all members of the New Forms Community when attending New Forms Events or New Forms Spaces.

  • Executive Director means the executive director of New Forms.

  • New Forms means the New Forms Media Society and the New Forms Festival.

  • New Forms Community means everyone associated with New Forms, including staff members, board members, contractors, artists, volunteers, partner organizations, and members of the public attending a New Forms Event or a New Forms Space.

  • New Forms Events means the New Forms Festival or other events hosted or promoted by New Forms, or in partnership with New Forms.

  • New Forms Spaces means all events, meetings, production locations, or other sites hosted by New Forms, whether physical or virtual.

  • New Forms Team means New Forms’ staff, board members, contractors, or volunteers.

  • Power-Based Misconduct Policy means New Forms’ Power-Based Misconduct Policy.
