Oct 7-8, 2016
New Forms Media Society returns its annual contemporary art & music festival this year with its 2016 edition. Programming will take place on Friday and Saturday October 7th and 8th. All shows will take place within the iconic A&B Sound building located at 560 Seymour with additional shows upstairs in the Satellite Gallery and more entertainment within the adjoining lounge. The festival will include two nights of music and visuals programmed in three rooms with installations throughout the venue. Weekend passes and single night tickets are available now for purchase.
Robert Hood (US)
Menchess (ZA)
Convextion (US)
Deft (UK)
Pye Corner Audio (UK)
Lee Bannon (US)
Untold (UK)
Mark Van Hoen (UK)
Strategy (US)
Kara-Lis Coverdale (CA)
Swisha (US)
D. Tiffany (CA)
Downtown Solutions (CA)
Khotin (CA) / Koosh (CA)
Minimal Violence (CA)
Rosen (UK)
Secret Pyramid (CA)
Slow Riffs (CA)
wzrdryAV (CA)
Hood Joplin (CA)
x/o (CA)
You’re Me (CA)
Visual Artists:
Scott Cohen (CA)
Eli Bornowsky (CA)
Eden Veaudry (CA)
Graham Landin (CA)
Jordan Milner (CA)
Laine Butler (CA)
Nancy Lee & Kiran Bhumber (CA)
Oliver Nickels (CA)
Olivia Meek (CA)
Sandra Doeller (CA)
Sonja Ratkay (CA) / Scenocosme (FR)
C130 (CAN)
New Forms woud like to thank its funders Canada Council, Canadian Heritage, City of Vancouver and NFF16 sponsors More Than Human Records, Dos Equis, CiTR, Discorder Magazine, Georgia Straight Magazine, artsVest, and East Van Graphics.
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